Monday 26 March 2012

Filming: 26th March, Detective scene

In today's filming in Mr Michie's office we used three cameras to film each possible shot of the actors. The actors consisted of Mr Smith being the detective, and Miss Wilson being the mother. We picked these actors as they teach drama and thought this would be ideal as they could play the role perfectly. We asked them how to act, for example we wanted the police detective to be sensitive but focused on the job, and the mother to be frighted and worried for her missing daughter.

During filming, we gave them the script:
Detective: So. I need to know exactly when you last saw her. Do you remember?
Mother: [pause] Of course I remember. She looked so lovely. [staring at the floor, not concentrating]
Detective: Mrs ___, we need to know. It's vital in this investigation.
Mother: It was Sunday 18th. She left at 2 O'clock to meet her friends, that's all I know.
Detective: Thank you. And don't worry, we'll find your daughter.
Mother: Please, you have to. 

and starting to film them from different shot distances and different angles ranging from mid shots, close ups and extreme close ups. Each of us had a camera and filmed these distances from different places. However, one person had to be out of the shot each time due to someone else seeing someone in their camera. Obviously they had to wait otherwise this would ruin the continuity.

Overall we believed this filming went well as we managed to complete each shot in the time given: 1:10-2:00. After this we then uploaded the shots onto the computer which one of us we edit into our film. Hopefully this footage should add 30 seconds to our film, giving us the opportunity to cut some of the long shots of Charli and take away some of the static shots too.

Here are pictures of the script and the shot list:

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